Thursday, May 23, 2024
Lynn welcomed me into the family with the truthfulness of a caring sister. We shared the grief of each having lost a son by way of tragic accidents. Words were not necessary for me to understand the pain of Lynn’s and the family’s losing Michael.
She was a dedicated sister to her younger brother, Richie, looking out for him with generosity and kindness. She also tended to her mother, Michelina, and her Aunt Ella.
Lynn loved to cook, especially holiday meals. Hers were splendid! I have a favorite photo of her in her kitchen overseeing her older brother, my husband Sid, who was sitting dutifully at the dining table filling artichokes with Lynn’s traditional Sicilian stuffing. She was also an excellent baker and created delightfully decorated cakes and cupcakes for family and friends.
Special needs children in New York City were fortunate to have Lynn as their school bus driver. No doubt about their being protected and respected!
I admired Lynn’s and Sid’s relationships with their childhood friends and enjoyed their stories.
We shared big-time pride in Scott and his family, with Maria’s thoughtfulness a constant. Michael and Lisa, and Stephanie and Ryan brought delight to her life. Lynn had a fierceness and fight in her to live through many health difficulties so that she could enjoy Adriana and Gabriella and Sophia, and to hear the news that there would also be another great-grandchild coming into the family.
May her spirit abide in joy and peace.