Saturday, November 7, 2020
Growing up running downstairs screaming “Granny” was just the beginning of my day. Laying on her lap watching cartoons was my favorite part. She taught me how to cook, clean, crochet and valuable life lessons. She shared many things with me, but most importantly she showed me love. Listening to her endless stories about her life felt like I was there with her vivid descriptions; the painful memories she would share I can tell made her the strong woman she was. In the winter after I was done playing in the snow, she would wrap me in one of her crocheted blankets and prepare me a warm foot bath, as I watched the snow fall in ozone park. She has always watched over me from the time I was a baby. I cherish I got to live my whole life with her only feet’s away. After grandpa passed she held my hand as she wept. Now all I can feel is emptiness. We watched her spirit leave her body as she laughed along to Everybody loves Raymond. But now all I can feel is numbness. At least now you can be with grandpa forever. I love you granny forever!