Friday, December 6, 2019
Dear Lore, (Carl, Bart, Natalie and Maggie), you are in my thoughts and prayers every day and yet no words can be said on how sorry I am for your loss.
The news of Carol’s sudden passing was a punch to my heart. I have known her since we moved to Oceanside in 1970. I remember playing with Barbies and thinking you had such a cool, older sister with the long straight hair of the 70s and Elton John playing in the background.
I recall the two of you sharing a bedroom and your innocent observations of Carol coming of age. “She goes to a bar!” you exclaimed, wide eyed not knowing what to think...our young minds attempting to unravel the mystery of adulthood. That’s the time I stunk up your bedroom with smell of Noxema!
I recall funny moments like when we slept in a tent in your backyard. Carol decided to check on us in the middle of the night and my mother had the same idea. The two of them nearly hit each other over the head with a broom stick!!
Your family had a great sense of humor. I still remember your mother asking the cemetery if we could get a senior citizen’s discount on my father’s burial. And what’s up with them all passing on during the Christmas season? Were they trying to get out of having to buy gifts?
Carol was there during the tough times too, helping us understand the last stages when my father was terminally ill. She held his hand as he took his last breath, letting us know that his heart beat was slowing to a final stop.
As the years followed, your sister was a big help to my mom, snow blowing our side walks and coming to her aid when she accidentally set off her life alert.
And more recently, on that morning when I would leave NY for Denver, Carol was by my mother’s side, waving and supporting her, as we drove away...the whole “lot” of us bawling our eyes out. The security of knowing that your sister was near was a true blessing to my entire family.
Carol was a big part of Beverly Road life for me. I visit NY and immediately think of her presence there. She touched us all with the many thoughtful ways she reached out. It will be difficult to think of her as “gone”.
I found a quote that may provide some comfort. “Goodbyes are only for those who love with their eyes. Because for those who love with heart and soul there is no such thing as separation.”
She is at peace and with your mother, father and Mike now. I’m sure she has missed them terribly over the years and in some way it makes me happy to know she is reunited with them.
So in this time of grief, hold your family tight and know that her spirit will be guiding you with love and strength to get through the difficult days ahead. May peace find you with the understanding that you are surrounded by a lot of love....❤️always.
Love, Irene, Tom, Madge and Zan.